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Monday, March 14, 2011

New Hot Highlands Trilogy

Man, it's seriously been one of those days where I haven't done a damn thing but lounged around reading and surfing the web. Well, actually the hubs and I went on a hike. I was dieing about 15 minutes into, but that's beside the point. Also almost got eaten by a snake. True story, that thing had eyes only for me. Anyway, that's not the point. I've discovered that one of favorite authors is coming out with a new trilogy set in the Highlands of Scotland. Wait, did I say THE HIGHLANDS? Why yes I believe I did. Ehrm... well Maya's books are general very hot, and I always love a good Highland book. So, it's pretty much the best of both worlds here. And the covers are pretty flippin sexy. Check out Maya's website for more info on her upcoming books.
Maya Banks Upcoming Books

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